
· Penguin Random House Audio · Justine Eyre хүүрнэсэн
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Everything you believe is wrong.
     Sixteen-year-old Alison wakes up in a mental institution. As she pieces her memory back together, she realizes she’s confessed to murdering Tori Beaugrand, the most perfect girl at school. But the case is a mystery. Tori’s body has not been found, and Alison can’t explain what happened. One minute she was fighting with Tori. The next moment Tori disintegrated—into nothing. But that’s impossible. No one is capable of making someone vanish. Right? Alison must be losing her mind—like her mother always feared she would.
     For years Alison has tried to keep her weird sensory abilities a secret. No one ever understood—until a mysterious visiting scientist takes an interest in Alison’s case. Suddenly, Alison discovers that the world is wrong about her—and that she’s capable of far more than anyone else would believe.

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Зохиогчийн тухай

R. J. Anderson has been an avid fantasy and science-fiction reader and writer since childhood. She is the author of the acclaimed novels Spell Hunter, Wayfarer, and Arrow. A married mother of three, Anderson was born in Uganda and has lived in Ontario and New Jersey.

Justine Eyre is an Audie Award–winning narrator with almost 300 titles to her credit. AudioFile magazine named her a Best Voice for Young Adult titles in 2013. Classically trained, she has appeared on stage, film, and television in such shows as Two and a Half Men and Mad Men.

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