We're All Freaking Out (and Why We Don't Need To): Finding Freedom from Your Anxious Thoughts and Feelings

· Penguin Random House Audio · Səsləndirən: David Marvin
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6 s 29 dəq
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Free yourself from anxiety by discovering and applying principles given by God to lead us away from panic and toward peace.
“These pages will feel like a lifeline for the anxious, overwhelmed, and burned out.”—Jennie Allen, New York Times bestselling author of Get Out of Your Head

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by panic, fear, worry, or anxiety, you’re not alone. A part of the human experience often involves anxious feelings that paralyze us, keep us up at night, rob us of our ability to live in the moment, and pretty much suck the life out of us. But this doesn’t have to be the case. You can stop freaking out.  
Sound too good to be true? It is true. In fact, it’s a promise from God himself.  
At least 366 times, the Bible commands us to not fear. God loves us and doesn’t want us to be ruled by anxiety. Not surprisingly, most people don’t understand what the Bible actually teaches about anxiety, fear, and worry.

Consider this book a practical resource to help you connect the dots between your anxiety and what God has to say about defeating it. As you are about to discover, you really can stop freaking out.

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