What He Wants for Christmas

· Westmoreland Legacy: The Outlaws 3. liburua · Harlequin Audio · Narratzailea: Ron Butler
6 iritzi
5 h 8 min
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Audio-liburu honi buruz

A blizzard has trapped this rancher with the one thing he wants under his tree—his ex! Don’t miss this sizzling Westmoreland Legacy: The Outlaws novel by New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson.

When a holiday blizzard traps him with his ex

things really heat up!

It's been ten years since she broke his heart, but Leslie Cassidy's elegance still stuns rugged Alaskan executive Sloan Outlaw. Now, thanks to a ruthless enemy targeting Leslie's company, Sloan can use his wealth and influence for something nice—and something naughty. He'll save her company—if she'll spend a week with him at his luxurious winter retreat! But when a snowstorm keeps them cabin-bound, this notorious Outlaw will discover that getting what he wants for Christmas might be more than he bargained for…

From Harlequin Desire: A luxurious world of bold encounters and sizzling chemistry.

Love triumphs in these uplifting romances, part of the Westmoreland Legacy: The Outlaws series:

Book 1: The Wife He Needs
Book 2: The Marriage He Demands
Book 3: What He Wants for Christmas
Book 4: What Happens on Vacation...

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6 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Brenda Jackson is a New York Times bestselling author of more than one hundred romance titles. Brenda lives in Jacksonville, Florida, and divides her time between family, writing and traveling. Email Brenda at authorbrendajackson@gmail.com or visit her on her website at brendajackson.net.

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