Where Buzzards Fly

· Penguin Random House Audio · Dramatization хүүрнэсэн
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51 минут
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Энэ аудио номын тухай

Ride with legendary Texas Ranger Chuck Bowdrie as he tracks the killers of an infamous Mexican outlaw, Zaparo, and fourteen of his desperadoes. With nary a clue to the solution of this ruthless ambush, Bowdrie is led to the K-bar ranch, and the beautiful girlfriend of the last living member of Zaparo's gang only to find his prime suspect is a "friend" of the Texas Rangers!

Зохиогчийн тухай

Louis L'Amour, truly America's favorite storyteller, was the first fiction writer ever to receive the Congressional Gold Medal from the United States Congress in honor of his life's work, and was also awarded the Medal of Freedom. There are more than 265 million copies of his books in print worldwide.

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