Who Was William Shakespeare?

· Penguin Random House Audio · Kevin Pariseau хүүрнэсэн
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The beloved plays of Shakespeare are still produced everywhere, yet the life of the world's most famous playwright remains largely a mystery. Young Will left the town of Stratford to pursue theater in London, where his work eventually thrived and made him a famous and wealthy man. Celeste Davidson Mannis here puts together the pieces of Shakespeare's life and work for young listeners.

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A writer, educator and social entrepreneur, Celeste has authored several award winning and best selling children’s books, including One Leaf Rides the Wind (Viking), Julia Morgan Built a Castle (Viking) and Who Was William Shakespeare? (Grosset & Dunlap). She teaches children’s literature for UC Berkeley Extension and creative writing for Join Our Story, an online platform she has created to share the joys of writing with seniors and other underserved populations. Celeste is currently working towards a PhD in Educational Technology at UC Santa Barbara, and writing, writing, writing!

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