
· Penguin Random House Audio · Чита Michael Boatman, Jason Culp и George Newbern
8 с 34 мин
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О овој аудио-књизи

From one of the greatest storytellers of the American West comes a collection of short stories never before released as audio digital downloads!

This audiobook collection includes "Death West Bound," "Old Doc Yak," "It's Your Move," "And Proudly Die," "Survival," "Show Me The Way To Go Home," "Thicker Than Blood," "The Admiral," "Shanghai, Not Without Gestures," "The Man Who Stole Shakespeare," "The Dancing Kate," "Off the Mangrove Coast," "Glorious Glorious," "By the Ruins of El Walarieh," "Where There's Fighting," "The Cross and the Candle," "A Friend of the General," "Author's Tea," "Dead End Drift," and "Let Me Forget."

О аутору

Our foremost storyteller of the authentic West, LOUIS L'AMOUR has thrilled a nation by chronicling the adventures of the brave men and women who settled the American frontier. There are more than 300 million copies of his books in print around the world.

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