Zack's Zest: Heroes for Hire, Book 24

· Heroes for Hire (Narrator Edition) 24-кітап · Valley Publishing Ltd. · Brian Meslar оқиды
4 сағ 52 мин
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Zack wasn’t someone to focus on his mistakes, but he’d made a big one, and it was hard to move on from it. Still he was determined to work with Levi’s team to find new meaning in his life and to get his head on straight. At least that was the plan. When he ends up part of a two-man team to rescue a kidnapped woman, the daughter of a former politician, Zack doesn’t know how to react—she’s certainly unique. Not the least of which, she didn’t appreciate the rescue. ... At least not once she learns the details.

Zadie knew her father was guilty of the crimes he’d been accused of. She was more concerned about her mother, who’d always been the downtrodden and obedient wife. But, as more and more evidence shines a light on their lives and her kidnapping, the issue is no longer as clear.

Heartbroken at the losses that keep mounting, Zadie knows she needs a second rescue—hopefully by her same rescuer. Only it’s not as simple this time, and it’s infinitely more dangerous ...

Авторы туралы

Dale Mayer is a USA Today bestselling author who writes for the young, the old and those in-between. Some of her books are hot, some are sweet. Some will keep you up at night with a light on to keep the boogie man away and some you’ll want to cuddle close. She’s long given up on trying to fit a specific genre. Instead she honors the stories that come to her – and some of them are crazy, break all the rules and cross multiple genres! And that’s okay too. There is one guarantee with each book – it will be a great read – each and every time.

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