The Ten Commandments are widely recognized as guiding principles for moral behavior and the foundation of many religious beliefs. However, beyond their spiritual significance, the Commandments also have a profound impact on public health.
In this book, we explore how each of the Ten Commandments represents a public health mandate. Through a careful examination of each of the Commandments, we reveal important connections between human behavior, social structures, and health outcomes.
As a public health major and a Sunday school teacher I wanted to take the opportunity to tie both of them together. There are distinct connections between Public Health mandates and the Ten Commandments and how we remain safe throughout our daily lives. I am very grateful to have learned about public policy, social dynamics, social structures, and the origin of them. I have applied the public mandates outlined in this book to my life and the quality of my life continued to increased regularly. I have taught not only Sunday School but course/class on re-entry, relapse prevention, DUI's , alcohol education, dual diagnosis, stewardship, drug prevention, self discovery, men's support, and vacation Bible school. In addition to having client centered one on ones as a case manager counselor. In total I have counseled, mentored, case managed , educated, and guided 300 people since I started working in the health and wellness field in 2012. I am grateful to share my finding in hopes of continuing to change the world for the better.