Samuel Rees Howells, A Life of Intercession: The Legacy of Prayer and Spiritual Warfare of an Intercessor by Richard A. Maton, Paul Backholer and Mathew Backholer.
Rees Howells, a powerful intercessor, taught his son Samuel the principles of intercession and commissioned him some weeks before his death, stating, "Whatever you do, stand and maintain these intercessions." For the next fifty-four years, Samuel Rees Howells exercised a powerful intercessory ministry as he focused prayer on gospel liberty, in order for the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be given to every creature.
With the mantle of intercession weighing heavily upon him, Samuel spent decades participating with others in their own countries, in profound spiritual struggles that shook world events and shaped history for God's glory! Discover how Samuel was led by the Holy Spirit to exercise authority over the principalities and powers, and to 'pray through' until God's purposes were fulfilled in many lethal world conflicts. Learn how God still intervenes in world history, from the Korean War to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and from the Six-Day War to the fall of the Soviet Union!
Beginning in the days of Rees Howells, this book continues this powerful story of intercession and traces its effectual legacy into the twenty-first century. Filled with principles of intercession, faith and spiritual warfare, this book provides a fascinating insight into what is possible when the Holy Spirit finds an individual, who will stand in the gap and become a channel for His intercession.
Richard A. Maton worked under Samuel's ministry for forty-seven years and provides us with an eyewitness account of Samuel's life of intercession. Richard is married to Kristine who joined Rees Howells' Bible College in 1936 and prayed alongside him. Together Richard and Kristine spent more than 120 years at the College! Richard is the author of Samuel, Son and Successor of Rees Howells: Director of the Bible College of Wales, a Biography.
Paul Backholer is an evangelical author, broadcaster, explorer and missionary. He is the co-founder of ByFaith Media ( and has appeared on Christian channels globally. As a faith-based documentary maker, he also produces and co-presents ByFaith TV. Born in the 1970s, he received his call as a teenager after an encounter with the Holy Spirit, leading him to commit his life to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. He studied theology at Bible College, where he later served as a staff member and an itinerate preacher. Since then he has travelled to over forty nations working with Christian projects and charities. As a Bible-believing Christian, he is committed to the integrity of Scripture and faithfulness to it. His books are birthed from studies and his relationship with the Lord, and cover a variety of subjects, including walking closely with God, knowing the Holy Spirit, prophetic revelations grounded in Scripture, biblical archaeology and Christian history.
Paul has written a dozen books including: Spiritual Warfare, Prayers, Declarations and Decrees to Release God’s Blessing, Peace and Abundance, How Christianity Made the Modern World and Holy Spirit Power: Knowing the Voice, Guidance and Person of the Holy Spirit.
Mathew Backholer is a revival historian, prolific writer, editor, the co-founder of ByFaith Media (, a presenter for ByFaith TV which airs globally on numerous networks and is a guest speaker on Revelation TV. Mathew is a former student and staff member of the Bible College of Wales (BCW) under the Directorship of Samuel Rees Howells and is the official historian of BCW (1924-2009) who has edited and published: Samuel, Son and Successor of Rees Howells by Richard Maton, alongside Samuel Rees Howells: A Life of Intercession by Richard Maton and Paul Backholer. Mathew has written more than twenty books including the best-selling: Revival Fires and Awakenings; as well as Rees Howells' God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of Axis Powers Predicted, Reformation to Revival, Rees Howells, Vision Hymns of Spiritual Warfare, Christianity Rediscovered, Rees Howells, Life of Faith, and Short-Term Missions: A Christian Guide to STMs.