欣悉你们经过一年半时间的缜密侦查,成功侦破“4·27” 郭春被害案,一举抓获犯罪嫌疑人陈万龙、蔡七五。特致电表示热烈祝贺,并向全体参战民警致以亲切的慰问!
Communism and socialism are a thousand times, ten thousand times more cruel than you might think.
This is part of a larger whistleblower project. We are working hard to publish a lot of information about the persecution of Uyghurs, Tibetans, petitioners, human rights activists and religious believers in China. How China surveils foreign journalists and spy on Americans, Japanese and Europeans.
This will be the first time that human beings, on a large scale, systematically, and comprehensively, have disclosed all details and evidence of human rights abuses in Communist China. People in the free world always selectively ignore the reality of China's persecution of human rights and continue to do business with China. They "rationally" think that even if China persecutes human rights, so what? It's not us who are being persecuted anyway. Although China has made a lot of money from the free world through unfair trade, the interest groups that make money from China don't care. China uses the money earned from the free world to support the persecution of human rights in China. All those who buy made in China are, to some extent, accomplices of the CCP dictatorship. It's okay to ignore China's human rights persecution. The point is that the free world has also suffered a backlash.
The United States has lost the race to predatory trade with China. The U.S. economy is growing in name, but its share of world GDP is actually declining, which means that the U.S. economy is shrinking. The middle class has been robbed of jobs, resulting in the breakdown of the nuclear family, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, and the rampant socialist ideology. Society is on the verge of turmoil and collapse.
We believe that 2020 is just the beginning, not the end. Communist China will increasingly become a real threat to those who think they will not be affected by the Chinese dictatorship.