第一章 徳之島
第二章 敬天愛人
第三章 薩英戦争
第四章 人斬り半次郎
第五章 蛤御門の変
第六章 馬関戦争
第七章 長州征伐
第八章 坂本龍馬
第九章 桂小五郎
Takamori Saiko(5)
This Manga is created by one of the masters of historical Manga ?Masamichi Yokoyama, depicting the story of Takamori Saiko, who was considered one of the three great nobles in the Meiji restoration .After being banished to Tokyono-Shima, Saiko spent every day in the cell with his worships for the people and the world. On the other hand, the outside world changed greatly .Satsuma started a war against British.
?史漫画巨匠的衡山正道将用漫画描??新三杰之一的西?隆盛。被流放到�コ之?的西?决定以尊敬天命,?戴人?的精神度?在?中的流放生活。 而同?,世?也?生了巨大的?化,?摩?独??了?英国的?争。