第一章 船中八策
第二章 大政奉還
第三章 小御所会議
第四章 鳥羽伏見の戦い
第五章 錦の御旗
第六章 山岡鉄太郎
第七章 無血開城
第八章 上野戦争
第九章 奥羽戦争
Takamori Saiko(7)
This Manga is created by one of the masters of historical Manga ?Masamichi Yokoyama, depicting the story of Takamori Saiko, who was considered one of the three great nobles in the Meiji restoration. The Satsuma-Choshu Alliance had finally been set up by the guidance of Ryuma Sakamoto and Shintaro Nagaoka. The distribution of forces in Japan had been changed greatly by this enemies’ cooperation. They were on their way to overthrow the Shogunate.
?史漫画巨匠的衡山正道将用漫画描??新三杰之一的西?隆盛。?用坂本??和中?慎太郎的手段,??同盟?于成立了。 常年宿?的?手将合力改?日本国内的?力版?。 推翻幕府政??于有了新的?展和?向。