2030: A Day in the Life of Tomorrow's Kids

· Прадавец: Penguin
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Winner of the 2012 Grand Canyon Reader Award for a Non-fiction book

Global events and new technology change how we live from moment to moment. So, what will our world be like in twenty years? Come take a look as futurists Amy Zuckerman and James Daly examine what a kid?s daily life might be like in the year 2030. Inspired and informed by trends and scientifi c and technological research, 2030 is not only a peek at some cool future gadgets (talking dog collars, cars that drive themselves), but also a thoughtful examination of how our lives might be impacted as we adjust to environmental change.

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Amy Zuckerman is an award-winning business writer who specializes in technology and trends. She lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.

James Daly is the publisher of Edutopia magazine and founder of Business 2.0. He lives in Alameda, California.

John Manders has illustrated many books for children, including Prancing, Dancing Lily, by Marsha Diane Arnold. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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