33 Men: Inside the Miraculous Survival and Dramatic Rescue of the Chilean Miners

· Predajca: Penguin
5 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

Award-winning journalist Jonathan Franklin chronicles the harrowing account of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped underground for fourteen weeks in the fall of 2010.

A resident of Chile since 1994, award-winning investigative reporter Jonathan Franklin gained access to the miners, their families, rescuers, and government officials that other journalists could only dream of. He developed such a bond of trust with the miners that they described in great detail the dramatic first seventeen days of their confinement. Once the miners were rescued, Franklin interviewed virtually all of them—at their homes, at his house, on horseback, and at the beach. The result is 33 Men, the most authoritative book on the Chilean mine disaster.

Written with the author’s renowned eye for detail, it captures the remarkable story of the miners who grasped the essence of the human spirit in order to survive their entrapment, and the men and women who literally moved a mountain to set them free.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

5 recenzií

O autorovi

Jonathan Franklin has lived in Chile for more than fifteen years, twelve of those as The Guardian (UK) correspondent for Chile.

Granted a Rescue Team credential at the site of the Chilean mine disaster, his dispatches ran in The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Observer (UK) and The Sydney Morning Herald.   As cameraman at the mine, he filmed exclusive footage for ABC News, CNN International, Univision and the Discovery Channel.

Fluent in Spanish, Franklin has covered events ranging from the arrest of Augusto Pinochet to the inner workings of the cocaine trade during his years in South America.  His features are regularly published in GQ, Esquire, Marie Claire, Playboy and many other magazines.  As cofounder of www.AddictVillage.com, Mr. Franklin travels throughout Latin America to produce reports for magazines and newspapers worldwide. His investigative reporting has been used by ABC’s Nightline, CBS’s 60 Minutes, A&E, the BBC and numerous documentary productions worldwide.

An American who was raised in Lincoln, Massachusetts, and attended Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, Franklin moved to Chile in 1994 and currently resides in Santiago with his wife, Toty Garfe, and his six daughters.

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