400 Miles To Graceland

· No Room In Hell 2-р ном · BHC Press/Umbra
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Will the cure be more deadly than the undead?Left with his mission incomplete, Detective Danziger faces losing his hands to infection. But his resolve is stronger than ever as he tracks the path of the military convoy that rescued his daughter’s murderer.
And when a radio transmission claims to have found a cure to stop the reanimating virus, Mother Nature reminds all survivors there are greater dangers on the planet than the undead.

Зохиогчийн тухай

William Schlichter has a Bachelor of Science in Education emphasizing English from Southeast Missouri State and a Masters of Arts in Theater from Missouri State University. With seventeen years of teaching English/Speech/Theater, he has returned to making writing his priority. Recent successes with scriptwriting earned him third place in the 2013 Broadcast Education Association National Festival of Media Arts for writing a TV Spec Script episode of The Walking Dead.

His full-length feature script, Incinta, was an officially selected finalist in the 2014 New Orleans Horror Film Festival. Incinta received recognition again by being selected as a finalist at the 2015 Beverly Hills Film Festival for a full-length feature. Incinta has advanced in several other script contests, including most recently being an Official Selected finalist in the 2016 Irvine Film Festival. His next life goal would be to see his film transferred from the pages to the screen.

Writing has always been his passion even through traveling, raising twin children and educating teenagers. While he specializes in the phantasmagorical world of the undead and science fiction fantasy stories, William continues to teach acting, composition and creative writing. 

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