500 Years of Illustration: From Albrecht Dürer to Rockwell Kent

· Courier Corporation
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An unrivaled treasury of the methods, techniques, and examples of the great illustrators, this volume covers five centuries of decorations for the printed page. Ranging from the dawn of printing to the twentieth century, it offers working artists and students an unsurpassed reference and source of inspiration. It also forms a delightful browsing book for lovers of art and illustrated books.
Starting with 16th-century woodcuts by Albrecht Dürer and Hans Holbein, the chronological presentation features works by Goya, Hogarth, Blake, Morris, Doré, Toulouse-Lautrec, Beardsley, and other masters. A brief text introduces each section, and the volume concludes with an international roster of modern artists, categorized by country. All that is best and outstanding in the field of illustration appears here, in this giant book of sketches, engravings, woodcuts, and lithography.

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