A Bloody Kingdom

27 шүүмж
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The fourth book in the Ruthless People Series is here...
“After the battle sharpen your knives.”
It has been eight years since the Callahans defeated Avian Doers and conquered Chicago. Melody is now the Governor and public face of the family, while Liam rises as the Ceann na Conairte of both the Irish and Italians.
Their reach is limitless; their power endless...but is it possible to have too much power? Can Liam and Melody raise a family, a city, and an empire?
Only a fool would try to stop them now...
Check out more thrilling titles in the Ruthless People series:
RUTHLESS PEOPLE #1 "One Marriage + Two Bosses = 3X the Chaos."
THE UNTOUCHABLES (#2) "One Secret, Multiple Casualties."
AMERICAN SAVAGES (#3) "Villains by Choice."
A BLOODY KINGDOM (#4) “After the battle, sharpen your knives.”
DECLAN + CORALINE(prequel novella that takes place 2 years before Ruthless People) "You don't find love; it finds you."
And look for the Ruthless People spinoff, Children of Vice--out 5.17.17“From the Ruthless, Vice shall Rise.”

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27 шүүмж

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J.J. McAvoy was born in Montreal, Canada and is currently studying Humanities at Carleton University. She is the oldest of three and has loved writing for years. She is inspired by everything from Shakespearean tragedies to Pop Culture. Her first novel, Ruthless People, was a runaway bestseller. And though she writes about dark people doing evil things, she’s a happy and positive person in real life. Please stay in touch via any of her social media outlets.

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