All of us, at least those of us residing in countries with a high level of economic development, or relatively high, have the feeling that theres an increasingly rise in obesity in our society. In contrast, helping humans gain weight, which is no longer a common occurrence, or creating things that supposedly help them lose weight, has become a gigantic business. It is openly knowm that this obesity epidemic is not only extended further, but it is also being noticed at an earlier age: obese individuals are more and more precocious (like geniuses, but in larger numbers) and this fact has a threatening significance. We decided to explore this history; the history of obesity and its multiple interactions with the evolution of society and mankind. This is not a diet book, or a book with weigth loss treatments, even though, they will undoubtedly be mentioned. It is simply a brief tale of how mankind has become bigger, thicker, and more obese. How and perhaps why, this obesity scenario is one of the most common in every city (and in the fields) around the planet. Concisely, a brief tale of obesity.