A Cat to Kill For

· Veloce Publishing Ltd

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Gavin Campbell runs a small and struggling classic car dealership in the historic village of Watkins Glen, New York.

When Gavin goes to look at an old Jaguar E-Type for a client he senses that there’s something unusual about the car. He also senses that there’s something very unusual about the client’s sister, Emily, who has come along with him.

After bringing the car back to his workshop for restoration Gavin learns that the owner has died in an apparent accident, but has reason to be suspicious about the death, particularly as a mysterious stranger seems desperate to buy the car. Emily also has reason to believe that her brother was murdered, and the two join forces to investigate.

Quirky romance develops as Gavin and Emily, who is affected by Asperger syndrome, infiltrate a car club and play a dangerous game of cat and mouse amid its snobbish and potentially murderous members.

If you like captivating adventure, eccentric characters, and a healthy dose of romantic comedy you’re sure to enjoy this mystery.

ავტორის შესახებ

GW Miller grew up in New Jersey but now lives in rural upstate New York. He’s had a lifelong fascination with classic cars, as well as old architecture, and lives in a creaky, and purportedly haunted, old Greek Revival house. When not writing he enjoys going for drives on less-traveled roads, getting lost, and exploring places that are off the beaten path. He believes life should be like a mysterious and amusing road trip – with a few good twists and turns before reaching the rest stop.

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