A Coyote Ridge Christmas

· The Walkers of Coyote Ridge Sách 7 · Nicole Edwards Limited
7 bài đánh giá
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Come back to Coyote Ridge for Christmas…

When Travis Walker finds himself uninspired about gifts for his family, he realizes what he wants to give them doesn’t come wrapped in a box with a shiny bow on top. 

This year, with the help of his brothers, Travis is going to pull off a surprise that’ll lay the groundwork for the Walker Christmas tradition going forward. 

Of course, Travis won’t consider it a success unless he moves a few pieces on the proverbial chessboard while he’s at it. As for where those will eventually land ... well, that’s anyone’s guess.

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7 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nicole Edwards lives in the suburbs of Austin, Texas with her husband and their youngest of three children. The two older ones have flown the coup, while the youngest is in high school. When Nicole is not writing about sexy alpha males and sassy, independent women, she can often be found with a book in hand or attempting to keep the dogs happy. You can find her hanging out on social media and interacting with her readers - even when she's supposed to be writing.

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