A Cup of Cold Water: Being Jesus to the "Least of These"

· Topical Line Drives 13-р ном · Energion Publications
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Your mission to the world may start with simple things, such as a cup of cold water. But what are some of these simple things and how can you learn to recognize them and act?

They may be:

A “chance” meeting with a thirsty little girl on a back street in Haiti and God’s plan is received by the author, forever changing his life and that of his family.

“And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup and of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” – Matthew 10:42

What “cup of water” is Jesus asking you to deliver? What is your mission in this world? Are you willing to obey? Will you spend your life fishing safely from the dock? Or will you step out of a boat with Jesus and walk across the water in His plan?

This short Topical Line Drives volume will encourage you to recognize these opportunities and act, doing good one small thing at a time.

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