A Curious Orb

· Jonathan G. Meyer
6 шүүмж
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Travel to a new world - and a different time.

Daniel Shaw is transported to another world by accident. One second he is safe at home, and the next he is sitting on an overgrown path in a dark, alien jungle. What concerns him the most? He does not know how to get back.

In the morning his mother found the imprint of his body on the bed, with an empty wooden box and a delicate silver pedestal on his nightstand. Her son, and the contents of the box, are nowhere to be found.

Daniel's trusty Labrador was the only witness - and he isn't talking.

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6 шүүмж

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Jonathan G. Meyer is a retired corporate electrician with a life-long passion for science fiction. As the middle child in a family with seven children, he has spent a lot of time escaping in books, but SciFi has always been his favorite. Because of his love of reading, at the age of sixty Jon began to write the stories he has mulled over for years. Although writing is a process that requires dedication and patience, over the last several years he has managed to complete and publish a five book series called AL CLARK, a SciFi Adventure named VINCENT, and a look back in time book he titled - A CURIOUS ORB.

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