A Doctor In Her Stocking

· From Here to Maternity 4. kniha · HarperCollins Australia
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Single and pregnant, diner waitress Mindy Harmon might have been a little down on her luck, yet she'd still managed to keep her holiday spirit. But she was more than a little surprised when she opened her door on Christmas Eve to find Reed Atchinson, M.D. her gorgeous–but–grumpy customer declaring himself her own personal Christmas present!

Reed had never been big on Christmas, but when he met Mindy the beautiful mother–to–be who had so little yet gave so much he became a believer. In roles he never thought he'd take on like Dr. Husband. And Dr. Daddy?

FROM HERE TO MATERNITY: Look what the stork brought a bundle of joy and the promise of love!

O autorovi

Elizabeth Bevarly wrote her first novel when she was twelve years old. It was 32 pages long and that was with college rule notebook paper and featured three girls named Liz, Marianne and Cheryl who explored the mysteries of a haunted house. Her friends Marianne and Cheryl proclaimed it "Brilliant! Spellbinding! Kept me up till dinnertime reading!" Those rave reviews only kindled the fire inside her to write more. Since sixth grade, Elizabeth has gone on to complete more than 50 works of contemporary romance. Her novels regularly appear on the USA Today and Waldenbooks bestseller lists, and her last book for Avon, The Thing About Men, was a New York Times Extended List bestseller. She''s been nominated for the prestigious RITA Award, has won the coveted National Readers'' Choice Award, and Romantic Times magazine has seen fit to honor her with two Career Achievement Awards. There are more than seven million copies of her books in print worldwide. She resides in her native Kentucky with her husband and son, not to mention two very troubled cats.

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