A Gift From the Past

· Прадавец: Silhouette
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Электронная кніга

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Though she certainly never expected to come face-to-face with her estranged husband again, Claire McCane didn't have the luxury of recovering from the shock his presence caused. For another tremendous surprise awaited her.

Even more troubling than the fantastic emotions Joshua's unexpected arrival stirred, was the century-old, black-and-white photograph they discovered, which captured their exact likenesses. Now, reluctant partners on a treasure hunt, Claire suddenly found herself depending on Joshua again and feeling things she'd long forgotten. Would this lead to the reconciliation they both longed for?

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Carla Cassidy is a New York Times bestselling author who has written more than 125 novels for Harlequin Books. She is listed on the Romance Writer's of America Honor Roll and has won numerous awards. Carla believes the only thing better than curling up with a good book to read is sitting down at the computer with a good story to write.

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