A Guide to Salat (Prayer) in Islam

· Salaam - Salah Vision
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There are many books dealing with the Subject of Salat in both Arabic and Urdu. Many of these books are well written and provide an informative and comprehensive view of how Salat should be performed according to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.W.S). Unfortunately, there are very few books in English which deal with the subject in the same informative and comprehensive way.

Because of these weaknesses in existing literature in English we felt that the need existed to produce a medium sized book on Salat which would approach the subject according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.W.S). The Prophet, himself, said, “Pray as you have seen me praying."

During our research we sometimes found that differences occurred between established practices in various prayer books. In these circumstances we referred to authentic hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (S.W.S) so that the points could be clarified as much as possible. This was, because, for a true Muslim there is no greater proof for settling arguments than authentic hadiths and practices of Prophet Muhammad (S.W.S).

We hope that Allah will accept this humble attempt because without His support and help we would never have been able to do this work.

Finally, we ask all our Muslim brothers and sisters to study the text and to strive to pray according to it.

As you'll  not aware that many sites are asking for money in $. I have made this book free to all countries and in return I'm asking for you to remember me in your prayer.

It was also mentioned by Dr. Zakir Naik in one of his speech that the best book to recommend is this book. watch in video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_xTrig2XEE

Thanks to all for downloading and making better use of this book.

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Thanks to All.

Remember me and an author in your prayers.

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1 tis. recenzií

O autorovi


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