A Paige in Cupid's Book: A Valentine's Day Romance

· Paige Holiday Series 2-р ном · The Wild Rose Press Inc
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His touch could melt the snow surrounding her... After leaving her life in Atlanta, Amelia Paige Myers lands on the doorstep of her aunt’s inherited farmhouse in the dead of a Pennsylvania winter. Instead of a quick fix, Paige’s temporary home is hoarded to the rafters and needs serious work. Her new-found love “interest” is there to help but distracts her with his sizzling touch. She's not sure if Michael's a rebound or the real thing, but their romance and a fast approaching Valentine's Day inspires a little matchmaking. Clocks, a cat, roses, and a cranky aunt who doesn't believe in love—things never go according to planned, and time is running out. Paige could sure use a page from Cupid's book.

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Hello I'm Ginny B. Nescott (GB Nescott). I've been married to my tall, Texan, research husband for over 30 years. We share our home in the Northeast with our actor/artist son along with Buckley, an unruly, lovable rescue dog.With a Cornell degree and years of service in Corporate HR, consulting, elected council, and volunteering, I wrote constantly. After developing and presenting training class materials, I wrote grants, newsletters, children's plays and even journal articles. I've always loved the arts and feel enriched by every book I read.Cooking, hosting and theatre are also passions now that I am no longer in the corporate world. I have acted in community theatre, enjoying children theatre and comic roles the best, especially those that involve improv. Spurred by family and friends, my writing pursuit has now become my career and my pleasure. My goal is to bring a bit of laughter and hope to my readers and to inspire others to pursue the arts in all it's forms!(RWA, NJRW, WWW, NJAN member)

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