A Pedigree To Die For

· A Melanie Travis Mystery 1. liburua · Kensington Books
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A mom goes undercover to locate a purloined poodle—and a killer—in this series debut with “a solution that packs a surprising amount of surprise” (Kirkus Reviews).

The apparent heart attack that killed kennel owner Max Turnbull has left seven pups in mourning, and his wife Peg suspecting foul play. But the only evidence is their missing prize pooch—a pedigreed poodle named Beau.

Enter Melanie Travis. With her young son happily ensconced in day camp, the thirty-something teacher and single mother is talked into investigating her uncle’s death—unofficially, of course. Posing as a poodle breeder in search of the perfect stud, Melanie hounds Connecticut’s elite canine competitions, and finds an ally in fellow breeder Sam Driver. But her affection cools when she's put on the scent of Sam’s questionable past…and hot on the trail of a poodle-hating neighbor and one elusive murderer who isn't ready to come to heel. For, as Melanie soon discovers, in a championship dog-eat-dog world, the instinct for survival, and winning, can prove fatal.
“Naturally flowing prose, extended suspense, and an infectiously upbeat single mother as protagonist make this a special treat.”—Library Journal
A bonanza for ardent dog fanciers and for others, a likable heroine in a smoothly paced romantic mystery.”—Publishers Weekly

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33 iritzi

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Laurien Berenson is the award-winning author of the long running Melanie Travis mystery series and the new Senior Sleuths series starring Peg Turnbull and Rose Donovan. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines and the New York Times. She and her husband live on a farm in Kentucky surrounded by dogs and horses. Visit her online at www.laurienberenson.com.

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