A Pinch of Snuff

· The Dalziel and Pascoe Mysteries წიგნი 5 · Open Road Media
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Yorkshire’s detective duo descends into the kinky world of underground films in an “undeniably lively” mystery of murder and illusion (Kirkus Reviews).
Reginald Hill “raised the classical British mystery to new heights” when he introduced pugnacious Yorkshire Det.Inspector Andrew Dalziel and his partner, the callow Sgt. Peter Pascoe (The New York Times Book Review). Their chafing differences in education, manners, technique, and temperament made them “the most remarkable duo in the annals of crime fiction” (Toronto Star). Adapted into a long-running hit show for the BBC, the Gold Dagger Award–winning series is now available as ebooks.
What’s playing at the Calliope Club may draw a furtive crowd, but as far as the CID’s Andrew Dalziel can tell it’s all perfectly legal. His partner, Peter Pascoe, begs to differ. From what he hears, an actress’s violent ordeal on film looked all too real. When she turns up unharmed, it appears his suspicions were wrong . . . if Andrew and Peter can trust what they see. Because if this dirty business is well and good, why has the film in question vanished? Why has the theater been set ablaze? And why has its proprietor been beaten to death? For answers, Yorkshire’s finest are being led into the dark, where someone’s bent for pain, pleasure, and murder is just beginning to unreel.
A Pinch of Snuff is the 5th book in the Dalziel and Pascoe Mysteries, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.

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Reginald Hill was an English crime writer and fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. He won the 1995 Crime Writers’ Association Diamond Dagger for Lifetime Achievement.

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