A Postcolonial Leadership: Asian Immigrant Christian Leadership and Its Challenges

· State University of New York Press
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In A Postcolonial Leadership, Choi Hee An explores the interwoven relationship between Asian immigrant leadership in general and Asian immigrant Christian leadership in the United States. Using several current leadership theories, she analyzes the current landscape of US leadership and explores how Asian immigrant leaders, including Christian leaders, exercise leadership and confront challenges within this context. Drawing upon postcolonial theory and its analysis of power, Choi examines the multilayered dynamics of the Asian immigrant community and Christian congregations in their postcolonial contexts, and offers a new liberative interpretation of colonized history and culture in order to propose postcolonial leadership as a new leadership model for Asian immigrant leaders.

Apie autorių

Choi Hee An is Clinical Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Director of the Anna Howard Shaw Center at Boston University School of Theology. Her books include A Postcolonial Self: Korean Immigrant Theology and Church, also published by SUNY Press.

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