A Princess Of Landover

· Hachette UK
8 шүүмж
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'Terry's place is at the head of the fantasy world' Philip Pullman

Princess Mistaya Holiday hasn't been fitting in too well at Carrington Women's Preparatory. People don't seem to appreciate her using her magic to settle matters in the human world. So when she summons a dragon to teach a lesson to the snotty school bully, she finds herself suspended.

But Mistaya couldn't care less - she wants nothing more than to continue her studies under Questor the court magician and Abernathy the court scribe. However, her father Ben Holiday, the King of Landover, has rather different plans in mind for her. He thinks he'll teach her about perseverance and compromise by sending her to renovate Libiris, the long-abandoned royal library. How horribly dull.

But before long, Mistaya will long for the boredom of cataloguing an unfeasible number of derelict books - for deep within the library there lies a secret so dangerous that it threatens the future of Landover itself . . .

Praise for Terry Brooks:

'A master of the craft . . . required reading' Brent Weeks

'I can't even begin to count how many of Terry Brooks's books I've read (and re-read) over the years' Patrick Rothfuss, author of The Name of the Wind

'I would not be writing epic fantasy today if not for Shannara' Peter V. Brett, author of The Painted Man

'If you haven't read Terry Brooks, you haven't read fantasy' Christopher Paolini, author of Eragon

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8 шүүмж

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Terry Brooks was a practising attorney for many years, but now writes full time. His first novel, THE SWORD OF SHANNARA, remained on the NYT bestseller list for 5 months, and is considered by many to be responsible for the creation of the modern commercial fantasy market.

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