A Ranch Between Them: A Clean Romance

· Sweet Home, Montana წიგნი 1 · გამყიდველი: Harlequin

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

He needs time to heal…

…but is she willing to wait?

Injured former rodeo star Brady O’Neil is looking for solitude in his Montana hometown when he takes a job at his best friend’s ranch. Then he finds out he’ll be living with Katie, his friend’s sister and the woman he fell for years ago. His recent failures make him feel unworthy of love, so Brady tries to keep Katie at arm’s length. But is this girl next door exactly what he needs?

ავტორის შესახებ

Jeannie Watt lives in a historical Nevada ranching community with her husband, horses and ponies. During the day she teaches junior high and at night she writes about cowboys, ranchers and cops. When she’s not writing or feeding the animals, Jeannie enjoys sewing, making mosaic mirrors and cooking with her husband.

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