A Silver Cove Christmas

· Silver Cove 5. liburua · Jill Sanders
13 iritzi
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 Having lost the man she loved early on, Crystal vowed to live freely for the rest of her life. But, after her business is threatened due to theft, she hires a private financial investigator to plug the leak. Falling for the tall, dark, and very serious stranger was certain, what she hadn’t expected was for him to be her one true love.

Rory has lived a life of the straight and narrow, he’s always been an eye on the prize, kind of guy. The prize? Retirement in the tropics where doesn’t have to worry or work. Sure, he was prepared to take some hits to achieve the goal, mainly his health, relationships, and his state of mind. Now this new-age hippy woman wants him to relax. But, he’s got a job to do, if his heart doesn’t betray him first.

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13 iritzi

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Jill Sanders is a New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author of Sweet Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Western Romance, and Paranormal Romance novels. With over 70 books in eleven series, translations into several different languages, and audiobooks there’s plenty to choose from. Look for Jill’s bestselling stories wherever romance books are sold or visit her at jillsanders.com

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