A Song in your Heart: A family saga of hardship and undying love

· Hachette UK
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A couple discover that some ties are just too strong in a tale of enduring love in 1950s London.

A compelling story of love, loss and hope, A Song in Your Heart is sure to pull on the heartstrings. Perfect for fans of Dilly Court and Rosie Goodwin.

'This is a traditional romantic story that makes compelling reading' - Best Magazine

When Gill and Arnie Briscoe marry in haste in the summer of 1957, rumours fly round the close knit community of Maisie Road, Fulham. But the couple are too in love to care what other people think and when their son is born their happiness seems complete.

Arnie is given the opportunity to become a professional footballer, but fame comes at a price and a terrible accident puts an end to his sporting career. With their marriage on the rocks and little money coming in, it is up to Gill to keep the family together, so she teaches piano lessons to the locals as a way of earning a living. Over the years the Briscoes suffer further tragedy and reluctantly Gill and Arnie decide they must go their separate ways. But no matter what comes between them there is a song in their hearts which refuses to die...

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'Great read'

'Five stars'

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Pam Evans was born and brought up in Ealing, London. She now lives in Surrey, near to her family and five beautiful grandchildren. For more information about Pam and her novels visit www.pamevansbooks.com.

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