A Way From Home: A Novel

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It is 1992, and the Lowe family is living in a centuries-old castle in Prague. Alden Lowe works at the Czech Ministry of Finance and his wife Becky advises women entrepreneurs. With their daugher Julie, they appear a fortunate American family, but after twenty years with Alden, Becky shocks the family by fleeing to Libya, where she intends to reunite with a man who has loved her since before her marriage.

In its tale of Americans living abroad and the social reconfigurations that ensue, the captivating A Way from Home is reminiscent of the novels of Edith Wharton and Henry James--with a delicious satiric tang all its own.

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Despre autor

Nancy Clark lives in West Wilton, New Hampshire, where she is at work on her third novel, July and August.

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