A to Z Mysteries Super Edition #8: Secret Admirer

· A to Z Mysteries Super Edition წიგნი 8 · გამყიდველი: Random House Books for Young Readers
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It’s Valentine’s Day in Green Lawn! But Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose just aren’t feeling the love this year.

Valentine’s Day was so much more fun when they were little. Then they each start getting messages and clues from a secret admirer! Can the kids figure out who wants to be their Valentine?
The alphabet may be over, but the mysteries continue in this eighth A to Z Mysteries Super Edition, featuring a 26-letter secret message hidden in the illustrations.

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6 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

RON ROY has been writing books for children since 1974. He is the author of dozens of books, including the popular A to Z Mysteries and Capital Mysteries series. When not working on a new book, Ron likes to teach tricks to his dog Pal, play poker with friends, travel, and read thrilling mystery books. Visit Ron online at RonRoy.com.

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