Addie Bell's Shortcut to Growing Up

· Predajca: Delacorte Press
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Táto e‑kniha

The perfect summer vacation read for tweens! A middle-school girl finds out that being a teenager isn’t all it’s cracked up to be in this realistic read about friendship with plenty of LOL moments—and a magical twist!

Seventh grader Addie Bell can’t wait to grow up. Her parents won’t let her have her own phone, she doesn’t have any curves, and her best friend, Grace, isn’t at all interested in makeup or boys. Then, on the night of her twelfth birthday, Addie makes a wish on a magic jewelry box to be sixteen . . . and wakes up to find her entire life has been fast-forwarded four years! Suddenly she has everything she’s always wanted (including a driver’s license and a closet full of cool clothes)! But Addie soon discovers a lot more has changed than she expected—including her friendship with Grace. Can Addie turn back time and take back her wish . . . or has she lost the chance to experience what could have been the best years of her life?

“I 3 this book! Smart, sweet, and hilarious.”—Leslie Margolis, author of iGirl’s Best Friend

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O autorovi

Jessica Brody is the author of many books for teens and tweens, including The Karma Club, 52 Reasons to Hate My Father, and the Unremembered trilogy. She also writes books for the Descendants: School of Secrets series, based on the hit Disney Channel original movie, Descendants. Her next book for tweens, Better You Than Me, will hit shelves November 13, 2018. She splits her time between California and Colorado, living with her husband and three dogs. When she was twelve, she was convinced her life would be perfect if she were sixteen. Visit Jessica at and on Instagram and Twitter at @JessicaBrody.

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