After Midnight

· Harlequin
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Countdown to a kiss… 

At the stroke of midnight, Lindsey Collins will finally kiss Carter Shaw. A former championship skier, Lindsey had a life of all training and no play until a devastating injury sidelined her. Now she's ready to put her good-girl ways behind her and kick off the New Year with a little fun…and the sexy snowboarder is the perfect distraction! 

Now that Carter has Lindsey in his arms for one mind-blowing night, he's not giving up. He'll do whatever it takes to break through her Ice Queen exterior and show her he's more than just a fun time. But how can she believe in him when she can't even believe in herself enough to return to skiing—and all that she's worked for?

Rreth autorit

Katherine Garbera is a USA TODAY bestselling author of more than 100 novels, which have been translated into over two dozen languages and sold millions of copies worldwide. She is the mother of two incredibly creative and snarky grown children, Katherine enjoys champagne, reading, walking and traveling with her husband. Visit her on the web at

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