Ain't She Sweet

· A Green Mountain Romance Buku 6 · Dijual oleh Penguin
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A woman gives a determined man a run for his love in this Green Mountain Romance from the New York Times bestselling author of It’s Only Love.

Charlotte “Charley” Abbott has gone out with every guy under thirty-five in Butler, Vermont—except for one. Tyler Westcott’s attempts to date her may be determined, and frequent, but Charley can’t stand how he acts like he knows her better than she knows herself. So when Tyler turns up at the running club Charley joined to train for a marathon, she’s almost ready to quit before she even gets started.
Tyler knows that behind Charley’s prickly personality and dismissive attitude is a sweet woman he wants in his life. And when Charley suffers an injury while training, Tyler is ready to prove that the perfect man for her has been right there all along...

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With more than 4 million books sold, Marie Force is the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling, award-winning author of more than 40 contemporary romances, including the Green Mountain Romance series and the Fatal series. Her self-published Gansett Island series has sold 2 million e-books since Maid for Love was released in 2011. She also writes the erotic romance Quantum series under the name M.S. Force.

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