Alexander Graham Bell

· Millbrook Press
2 recenzie
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

Growing up, Alexander Graham Bell was fascinated with music, speech, and sounds. He worked hard to invent things that would not only help those with impaired hearing, but also bring people together in new and special ways. What he didn't know was that his simple idea--to help people communicate--would change the world when he invented the telephone.

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2 recenzie

O autorovi

Elaine S. Verstraete creates art and illustration from her studio in Middlesex, New York. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Syracuse University and currently teaches illustration at Rochester Institute of Technology. Elaine's illustrations appear in numerous children's books, including six titles with Lerner Publishing Group. Her work also appears on Wegmans brand product labels and numerous Rochester-area festival posters, including Rochester's renowned Lilac Festvial.

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