All of Us Warriors: Cancer Stories of Survival and Loss

· She Writes Press
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

In All of Us Warriors, Rebecca Whitehead Munn paints a realistic picture of the impact cancer has on an individual’s life, and she attempts to demystify the experience by sharing heartfelt stories from twenty survivors and the loved ones of those that passed. They are mothers and fathers with seven types of cancers and all stages of the disease, as well as advice regarding how to approach someone you love living with cancer and tips and tricks for helping others feel joy in the midst of pain. This inspirational book provides a positive outlook of strength and perseverance through belief in a higher power, reinforcing the idea that the reader is stronger than cancer and not alone, and offering real strategies that cannot be found in online medical sites. Like a conversation with a new best friend (or twenty of them), All of Us Warriors is full of understanding, acceptance, and practical advice gained from personal experience.

O autorovi

Rebecca Whitehead Munn is an award-winning author and speaker, healthcare change catalyst, and value creator. Her award-winning, debut memoir, The Gift of Goodbye: A Story of Agape Love, was released in 2017. She has been a featured Maria Shriver Architect of Change on surviving grief and shared her healing through yoga story at She is a certified End of Life Doula and a Nashville Healthcare Council Fellow. She is happiest spending time outdoors, eating Mexican food, practicing yoga, listening to live music, snow skiing, playing golf, and using my chaotic Aries for good. She was born in Bloomington, IN, grew up in Houston, TX, and has lived in Nashville, TN, since 2005.

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