Alpha Mountain: Warrior: A Mountain Man Mercenary Romance

· Alpha Mountain 3. kniha · Bridger Media
11 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

Mistake #1: Sleeping with a friend

Hooking up with Quincy was a no-brainer.

The sexy hot-shot Navy pilot wasn’t on my SEAL team.

I thought she’d be safe for a one-night stand.

Mistake #2: Letting her walk out the door

I realized too late she wasn’t a one-and-done for me.

But now she thinks I’m a player. Okay, she knows I’m a player.

Which is why she won’t go there with me again.

Mistake #3: Wanting to repeat Mistake #1.

Quincy’s on my team.

We’re friends. I don’t want to screw that up.

Being near her is pure torture. I don’t know how much longer I can last

Before I risk the biggest mistake of all–losing her.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

11 recenzií

O autorovi

A USA Today bestseller, Vanessa Vale writes tempting romance with unapologetic bad boys who don’t just fall in love, they fall hard. Her 75+ books have sold over one million copies. She lives in the American West where she's always finding inspiration for her next story. While she’s not as skilled at social media as her kids, she loves to interact with readers.

USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR RENEE ROSE loves a dominant, dirty-talking alpha hero! She's sold over a million copies of steamy romance with varying levels of kink. Her books have been featured in USA Today's Happily Ever After and Popsugar. Named Eroticon USA's Next Top Erotic Author in 2013, she has also won Spunky and Sassy's Favorite Sci-Fi and Anthology author, The Romance Reviews Best Historical Romance, and has hit the USA Today list eight times with her Bad Boy Alpha and Wolf Ranch series, as well as various anthologies.

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