An Address Book for Naturalists: Quotations Collected by Margaret Morse Nice

· Dundurn
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This is a double purpose book, for utility (the addresses of your friends) and for inspiration and challenging thought (a book of quotations). How did it happen? Margaret Morse Nice (1883-1974), the distinguished bird-watcher, when commencing to write her autobiography (Research Is a Passion With Me), felt it would be a good idea to begin each chapter with an apt quotation. Her book ran to 38 chapters, but by the time the manuscript was finished, she had amassed enough quotations for a separate book. She passed away in her 91st year in 1974 but had not been able to decide which quotation would really be best for which chapter. After her life story was published, her brother in Vermont gave to its editor a carton containing all of the quotations (some typed but most handwritten). Now you, the reader, may enjoy them all, as well as the pages for addresses and Sylvia Hahn's charming wood engravings.

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