An Old Enchantment (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

· HarperCollins UK
1 сын-пикир
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Marriage on trial!

From playboy lover... When gorgeous millionaire Raoul de Chevnair chose Leigh as his bride, it seemed he'd left his flirtatious bachelor days behind for good. But had he? Their marriage had scarcely begun before his playboy habits returned and Leigh found him in the arms of another woman... . ... to faithful husband?

That was five years ago. Leigh is no longer a naive teenage, bowled over by Raoul's charm. So when he vows to win back her trust, Leigh is determined not to give in that easily! It's all very well for Raoul to sweep her off on an exotic second honeymoon, but Leigh needs a lot of convincing that Raoul has decided to take his marriage vows seriously after all!

Helen Brooks creates "rich characters, sparkling interplay and a riveting emotional conflict." - Romantic Times

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1 сын-пикир

Автор жөнүндө

Amanda Browning began writing romances when she left her job at the library and wondered what to do next. She remembered a colleague once told her to write a romance, and went for it. What is left of her spare time is spent doing gardening and counted cross-stitch, and she really enjoys the designs based on the works of Marty Bell. Amanda is happily single and lives in the old family home on the borders of Essex, England.

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