Meanwhile, two attempts on Jordan's life get ignored by the police lieutenant, given his unwavering belief that they were unsuccessful attempts on Jordan's part to divert suspicion from herself. Suddenly, being the winner of this contest doesn't seem so lucky...
athan Shoniker lives in a small town on Lake Ontario, an area which attracts many artists and authors. Studied writing with the Maui Writers Group, and was a member of the Canadian Authors Association. She was also a columnist for a local newspaper. Cathan was fortunate to spend some valuable time with the CSI division of the Miami Dade police department.
Writing takes up most of her time now, but when not writing, golf gets her undivided attention.
You can keep track of all her books as they come out on her publisher's author page: http://www.writers-exchange.
Cathan also writes children's books, and these can also be found on her author page.