Andrew Lost #14: With the Bats

· Random House Books for Young Readers ээс худалдаалагдав
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Thanks to an invention mishap Andrew, Judy, and Thudd have been shrunk down to the size of bugs. That’s a serious problem when they get lost in a deep, dark, and bat-filled cave. Bats love to eat bugs! Will Andrew, Judy, and Thudd find a light at the end of the cave? Or is that really a glowing insect just waiting to eat them?

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J. C. Greenburg is the author of many books for young people in the library and reference fields. She's a frequent visitor to schools and pays close attention to kid feedback. She's married to Dan Greenburg of the Zack Files and Weird Planet series, and lives in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York.

Jan Gerardi has illustrated many books for children. Her Teenie Greenies series, including The Little Recycler, The Little Composter, Eco People on the Go!, and The Little Gardener, are the first books she has both written and illustrated. She lives in New Jersey with her daughter and three dogs.

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