Annabel Horton and the Black Witch of Pau

· Chatter Creek Publishing

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“...enchanting… Just the tale for a dark winter’s night.” — Grady Harp, Hall of Fame, Top 100 Amazon Reviewer

Despite Annabel Horton’s frantic search through time, her beloved husband, Michele has been missing for years. It’s during the horror of Jack the Ripper in London, 1888, that he’s finally discovered, hopelessly trapped in the bowels of White Chapel England. Annabel and her family attempt to rescue Michele from the Black Witch’s cage, but it’s a trap concocted by the Black Witch in exchange for her freedom, and now the devil has Annabel all to himself. Ensnared in a web of death, the only person that can save them is the Black Witch. But will she give up her taste of freedom to help Annabel and her loved ones escape the devil’s grasp?

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