How to Be a Boss at Ageing: Real advice on how to navigate and embrace midlife

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75% price drop on Jan 29

About this ebook

'I loved this book. Full of wit and wisdom, Anniki tells it like it is.' Clover Stroud


Do you find yourself fighting the urge to go to bed at 8pm? Do you look at your laughter lines and wonder what was ever so funny? Do you listen to the charts and not have a clue who’s singing? Do images of celebrities over forty in swimsuits just make you want to drink more wine?


If you answered yes to any of the above, then this is the book for you.


Funny, honest, and packed with advice, this is a must-read for any woman experiencing – and not particularly relishing – the effects of ageing. Anniki Sommerville shares her own experiences with those of other women as well as advice from experts – Sali Hughes, Cariad Lloyd, Meg Mathews, Emma Gannon and Dr Karen Gurney among others – to help you navigate this journey including:


Demystifying the menopause and how to deal with fluctuating moods and hormones.


Breaking the taboo of cosmetic surgery and why we need to start having honest conversations about ageing and beauty.


Exploring the reality of fertility treatment and motherhood including what happens when you’re peri-menopausal and parenting small kids.


How feeling bad about our bodies can often be a barrier to feeling good about sex and tips on how you can change that. 

Why ambition is not a dirty word in middle age and how to stop feeling invisible in the workplace.


How to deal with grief and losing loved ones as we age.


How to be a Boss at Ageing will show you how not to give up when ageing creeps up. It’s time to rip up the rule book on what it means to grow older as a woman and embrace midlife. There’s no need to retire into cardigans and comfy slacks just yet.



Read what everyone is saying about How to Be a Boss at Ageing:


I LOVED this book…a book I couldn't put down…so refreshingly honest…The language used made the book feel like I was talking to a friend…really helpful and full of useful advice…such a brilliant read!NetGalley reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Laugh-out-loud funny! As a woman in her 40s, I thoroughly enjoyed this bookSpot-on for many of the thoughts & worries & oddities running through my head too…’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


A laugh out loud look at aging in the modern era…really relatable for any of us in middle age who are exhausted (oh those young kids!) and feel like we have to be everything and do everything at all times…chuckled in more than one place (ok, a lot of places)…’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


‘For anyone who feels like they just keep running and getting nowhere (and still gaining weight), this book is your permission to relax...’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

‘An amusing guide to the realities of ageing… excellent…’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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