Apple TV Portable Genius

· Myyjä: John Wiley & Sons
16 arvostelua

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Get savvy advice and hip tips on using Apple TV

The Portable Genius series is all about getting the most from your Apple-inspired digital lifestyle and the popular and inexpensive Apple TV is no exception. With this helpful guide, you'll find important basics on how to stream Internet content from Netflix, Hulu Plus, YouTube, and iTune. In addition, you'll learn how Apple TV fully integrates with both iOS and OS X and acts as a media hub for viewing content from the iPad, iPhone, iPod, and Mac via an HDTV. Covering everything from simply connecting the device to a home entertainment system through setting up accounts and finding content, this handy resource is packed with tips and tricks that are all aimed at helping you get the most from your Apple TV.

  • Offers little-known tips and tricks for streaming movies from popular services to your Apple TV as well as using Apple TV as a media hub
  • Features detailed guidance on wirelessly connecting to personal computers and tablets
  • Highlights ways in which you can take full advantage of AirPlay and iCloud to stream and share content from your computer or iOS device

Small and portable, Apple TV Portable Genius is packed with tips and techniques about the things you most want to know about your Apple TV.

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16 arvostelua

Tietoja kirjoittajasta

Guy Hart-Davis is the author of more than 80 computing books, including iMac Portable Genius, iLife Portable Genius, Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 5, and Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPad 4th Generation and iPad mini.

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Älypuhelimet ja tabletit
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