Arcade and Attica Railroad

· Arcadia Publishing
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In 1881, a narrow-gauge railroad was built in southwestern New York, from Attica to Arcade. It was later rebuilt to standard gauge to connect with what became the Pennsylvania Railroad. Concerned that the line would be abandoned, local farmers, merchants, and others raised money to purchase the railroad and formed the Arcade and Attica Railroad. Through vintage photographs, Arcade and Attica Railroad highlights the history of a railroad that, faced with declining revenues, launched steam-powered passenger service in 1962. With a dedicated management team that has taken the time and effort to face obstacles, the pride of loyal employees, and a supportive community, the railroad has endured a variety of herculean challenges to continue passenger and freight service in Wyoming County, New York.

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Kenneth C. Springirth, author of Greater Erie Trolleys, Johnstown Trolleys and Incline, Pittsburgh Streamlined Trolleys, Suburban Philadelphia Trolleys, East Broad Top Railroad, Southeastern Pennsylvania Trolleys, and Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad, has a vested interest in rail history, as his father was a trolley car motorman in Philadelphia, and his grandfather was a motorman in Washington, D.C. A transportation historian, he has been documenting and chronicling the history of the Arcade and Attica Railroad since 1962.

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