Archie: The Man from R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E.

· Predajca: Archie Comic Publications
8 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

Action! Adventure! Spies! Zombies!

Mad Doctor Doom and C.R.U.S.H. return to take over the world and there's only one man tough enough to stop them—Archie Andrews! ...The Man from R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E.!

Get ready for exploxive action written by the legendary Tom DeFalco and illustrated by the talented Fernando Ruiz!

Plus, for the first time, a long-lost story that introduces the world to Archie’s cousin, super-spy Andy Andrews... “The Iron Curtain Caper!”

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8 recenzií

O autorovi

Tom DeFalco is an American comics writer and editor, well-known for his association with Marvel Comics and in particular for his work with Spider-Man. Winner of the 1990 InkPot Award, DeFalco is also the author of over a dozen graphic novels, several hundred comic book stories, several dozen cyber-comics, three novels and six children's books, including the best-selling Dorling Kindersley guides to Marvel comics characters and has created and developed over three dozen characters that have all been licensed for television, toys, t-shirts, posters, trading cards and other merchandise.

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